Day 26 - Carolina Beach to Oak Island

Total Mileage: 26.1 Total Miles - 22.5 miles on land, 3.6 miles on water

How to determine one's speed when you’re doing circles on the ferry was very much on my mind today, but it was a wonderful problem to calculate. The day has started off with me tired, sore, and in a bad mood. Coming down from such an amazing day yesterday, it was natural to have a slight dip. But totally worth it for such a fantastic day with friends. 

As I slogged through Carolina Beach and Kure Beach, my mood brightened a little bit as my pace was not as slow as I thought it would be. When we got to Fort Fisher, the whole crew had their cars lined up waiting to go on the ferry. We had a full complement today, Matt and his dad Mike, Michael, Cheryl,  Stephanie and Becky. It was fun to have such a big group and we were very obvious in our bright yellow event T-shirts. 
I did laps while we were waiting and then the ferry operators allowed me to run on last, behind the cars. On board I did mad circles around the front of the ferry or sometimes ran in place. I figured since we were going for about 35 minutes it must’ve been about 3 miles worth, although I think the distance of the actual fairy is more like 3.7, I’m not exactly sure.  I did the mandatory Leonardo DiCaprio “king of the world” before we disembarked in Southport. Even Slappy got in on the action...

Getting off the ferry on the other side, it was super hot and I really struggled through Southport despite it being a charming place.
I continued on through some really scorching state highway, before crossing the beach to Oak Island. Oak island is really a beautiful place, but it seems to be populated by a lot of rich, old grouchy people who don’t want to share their paradise. Certainly the parking is much more democratic here in Sunset Beach. 
In any case, it was time to say goodbye to Michael ss he needed to return home, and he will definitely be met missed for his enthusiastic and helpful support, and for his searing wit on the walkie-talkie. OK not so much on the last part as I’ve never been harassed by walkie-talkie before.  He makes a killer chili, btw.

Observations on Day 26:
* Para-sailers pin wheeling madly, thousands of feet in the sky above us at Kure Beach, all of us holding our breath as we watch them crazily but expertly slow down on the drafts.
* The wonderful owners of a beach convenience store who gave us a fan/mister...their daughter wants to teach autistic kids for her career, Becky and I stopped in after she had told them about our event and they were so gracious.
* On Oak Island, a 50-year-old bald white man in a souped up Porsche convertible blasting rap music. Whaaaaat?
* Coming home to our condo at Sunset Beach, it’s never felt so welcoming and so peaceful. Ha ha it’s only because the kids aren’t here!
* Pace was fast today.  I didn't feel like I was pushing but I was trying to beat the heat.

Dont look at this next picture unless you actually want to get grossed out by my mangled toes:
See, I told you! 




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