Day 18 - Moore County to Troy to Home

Total Mileage : 12 Miles

I headed back home to Concord as planned this morning, with two stops along the way to pick up some mileage, lest anyone accuse me of being a slacker! 

I found a wonderful little park in Moore County and got in 7 miles just running around their trails and disc golf course. I found an old paupers cemetery way in the back of the grounds, most dated from thr 30's. Just a name and a year of death.  Who were these people? Where did they come from and how did they live? I said a prayer of remembrance and moved on. I hope these souls are remembered by other people.
I drove about 45 minutes east to the Roy Maness park near Troy. It is a beautiful pond just surrounded by dogwoods, mountain laurels, and wildflowers.  A path circles the pond.

As quietly as I walked, my presence was still sensed by the frogs, who splash noisily back into the pond, which in turn triggers a panic among the turtles sunning themselves on log and branches. It evolves into an exodus of splashing amphibians,  and I'm alone with the birds, who never seem to care.

I stand still for a moment and soon enough, the turtles begin clambering up on the logs and trunks floating in the water.  They only like certain logs though, and they try and nudge each other out of their special spots. There are dozens of other good sunning places on the pond..... So who knows what goes through the turtle mind of one selecting the best tanning spot. The similarities to vacationers staking out their claim on the beach to get the best sun is not lost on me

Im tired and have to go to bed, because I get up early tomorrow morning to drive to Fayetteville to begin our push to the coast.

Claire's senior dance solo was beautiful and impossible to describe, but if you are a parent of a child who is leaving for college for the first time, you know what I'm saying.




Unknown said…
love watching your journey. Have an amazing day!

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