Day 20 - Cedar Creek to Bladen Lakes
Total Mileage: 26.1 + 1 Bear
Today we begin our March to the Sea, moving from Cedar Creek down to the White Lake area, running through some beautiful farmland and wilderness areas and making new friends along the way.
It starts with a bear story. Specifically, a bear who popped out of the woods in front of me as I was beginning my ruck today at 8 sm. At first I thought he was a wolfhound, but what would a wolfhound be doing in the woods? Why would I even think that? I quickly realized his true ursine nature, but he did not have a care in the world whether I was there or not. He had a road to cross and other bears to see, and that's what he's going to do, dammit. It was great to see a healthy bear just lumbering across the road, particularly as he was moving away from me.
The other wildlife encounter of note was the Eastern Carolina version of the Pamplona running with the bulls. This was the famous Cedar Creek running with the guinea hens. As I was running through some some Farm country, I came upon the large flock of guinea hens just hanging out in the middle of the road, because of course they have no brains and why not hang out on a country road?. As I started to run through the flock, the guinea hens begin to run with me....I'm not sure if they thought they were running away or whether I was one of them, but for about 10 seconds it was just me and the guineas running down the road before they realize but theyhad made a grievous error in judgement. Anyway I find what amusement I can.
But the most rewarding moment of the day was when we came across Mr. And Mrs. J, who have lived in this part of the state for over 50 years and built their home here, with their children and grandchildren living nearby. They own a lovely spot with a little pond, which is where Monty stopped to meet me for good and drink, and get a little fishing in. As I came up to the car, they pulled up in their golf cart just to see what was going on, but in a friendly way.
We started to talk and it turned out that she was a teacher for many years and had taught autistic children among others. They really are the loveliest couple we've met, and they told us all about the land and its history and about their family plot where all where all the other J's were buried. I was kind of interested in this, because you see lots of little cemeteries along the road and wonder what the story is behind them. They brought me over and they were most proud of their own headstone which had their pictures on it. I think they get a good laugh out of showing people their own headstone, but I get it. And then they proceeded to show me the gravesite of their poodle or spaniel, whose name was Weasel. He had his own Tombstone with his likeness on it and they said that they could never have another dog after him because he was the best.
Today I felt better and logged 26.14 miles. Matt and Monty were awesome as usual, and I will need them more...its going to get hot here real soon!
Ruck on!
Betty Burns