Day 16 - Seagrove to Carthage

Total Mileage: 25.1 miles 

I think there is no finer place in the world than to be walking down a Carolina country road early in May. Startling blue skies, puffy clouds, and fields of green everywhere. It induces has this ruck changed me?  It has somewhat quieted the noise in my restless soul. I see things at ground level, both practically and metaphorically.  I meet people I might not have spoken to before. The world is full of well-intentioned people , but many are outside of our own circles of comfort. If we can extend our circles just a little bit.....
Today was "dog day". At least a dozen dogs of all sizes chased me out into the road,  snapping and snarling. I was able to bark back a little louder at them, but still, a surprise awaited me around every corner. Besides that, the day was perfect in every way, as I slowly rucked between Seagrove and Carthage via Back Country Roads and avoiding the highway at all costs.

Observations on Day 16 :
A tree full of vultures,  all spreading their wings together to gather warmth in the morning sun.

 A lady stopped in a pick up truck and asked me how far I was running. I said "a couple of miles". She said "well, I'll go back and tie up my dog, he's part pit bull, part lab" I asked "well, is he dangerous?" She replied "Oh he'll terrorize you all right". 

Thank you kind lady for tieing up your terrorist dog!
A heron flying lazily over the brown river below the bridge I am on.  A cemetery in Jugtown overlooking seas of green. A farmer tending to his field not caring about anything or anyone else around him, including the fluorescent spectacle that ran by and said "hello farmer!" Why should he, after all?

Thank you Monty, I could not have done this without your help today.




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