Elizabethtown, NC - This weekend was my little "reward" for carrying that rucksack the last few weeks...the Mission 100k Ultra in Elizabethtown, NC. Being in eastern NC, I thought the course would be flat and easy, kind of like what you see in the picture. In fact, it was really challenging, the entire 10k loop was switchbacks, moguls, and short stabby hills. 😫 100k = 62 miles +/-, and the course was 10 loops. I was hoping to get in 40 miles minimum, but managed to squeak out 50 miles overall, or 8 loops. I was totally destroyed by the 7th loop and walked most of it, but then I stopped at the car, changed sneakers, called Cheryl, and manned up for the 8th loop. 43 miles is not a number, after all! The winner finished in 11 hrs 30 minutes, the race had about a 40% completion rate, so I don't feel too bad about not finishing the entire course. It kicked my butt, no doubt about it, but I will be back next year in ultra-running s...