Beyond the Blog Day 27 (May 24) - MELTDOWN!
I had to review video footage of this day and my notes because of my heatstroke episode at mile 24. (Spoiler alert: That is how the day ended.) Midway through the day, on Holden Beach, I was already toast. But the burnt toast was yet to come. The day started well enough. I got to sleep at our condo in Sunset Beach, and Cheryl had returned the day before. But the truth is, I was nearly spent at this point. My legs, particularly my knee, ached like nothing before, my energy level was zero, and I had this bad barky cough. It was a war of attrition and usually I can fight this fight, but my attitude was crumbling as well. It was hard to stay positive when I felt so crappy. So a few good miles around the condo grounds helped me ease into the was a pretty morning, with the sun coming up over the Intercoastal Waterway, and the orange sky reflected off the ponds outside our building. A day full of possibilities, for every...